ODIE: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopPsychological First Aid for Schools (PFA-S)
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactKelly Simmons

Workshop Outcome:

  • Gain a deep understanding of the 8 Core Actions of Psychological First Aid for Schools.

  • Learn how to organize and integrate the Core Actions into your school’s current crisis response plan.

  • Understand how to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a crisis using the PFA-S framework

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room B - North Wing  (click here for building map)

AudienceAudience: School PFA-S Teams or Individual PFA-S Team Members. Administrators, Counselors, Mental Health Professionals
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: Please bring or have access to your district's current crisis response plans and processes.
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