ODIE: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopELA Instructional Materials Cadre, Day 3
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactSarah Essay
DescriptionThis morning section of this workshop is a continuation of Sept. 27 and Nov. 1. Participants wanting to select new materials who did not attend Sept. 27 and Nov. 1 should contact Sarah Essay to schedule an alternative day of training if possible. This day will be entirely on Zoom. Please see session descriptions below.

9 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.: For those attending the morning session with product specialists (see below), an overview of the schedule for the day as well as a reminder of next steps will be held prior to product specialist Zoom sessions.

10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: For those who attended Sept. 27 and Nov. 1 and have evaluated 2-3 materials, this day which includes specific pre-scheduled Zoom sessions will offer participants an opportunity to learn from specialists from several materials. ESU 10 facilitators will schedule 1-2 hour Zoom sessions with product experts which participants will be able to attend. The sessions will be scheduled between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; we will do our best not to let any sessions overlap for schools interested in several materials. The schedule for the day will be communicated at least two weeks prior to the training.

12 p.m. - 3 p.m. For those who have already adopted new materials, join us in the afternoon on Zoom for a guided journey of best practices for implementation. Have your ELA team log in with your materials. You will be paired with others who have adopted the same materials as you (if possible). ESU 10 facilitators will overview best practices in implementation. While we may not be able to offer specific product support in your materials, we are hopeful that with the expertise of others, you will be able to dig into your materials deeper as you look through the resources you’ve adopted.

Please REGISTER ON ODIE for this day by clicking “Add Registration,” and then also FILL OUT THIS FORM to let us know which time slot you will attend: https://forms.gle/FhLxtE38zv6xLsZC6


NOTE: The schedule for the day may change depending on registration numbers for each section. If not enough participants register for the morning or afternoon, the low registration sections may be canceled and/or the timing changed for either session. This decision will be communicated no later than two weeks prior to the training.
LocationVideo Conference

AudienceAudience: ELA Teachers and Instructional Leaders
AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness