ODIE: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopNeMTSS Day 4/Refine and Refocus
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Default ContactDefault ContactAmy Walters
Default LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Rooms B & C - North Wing  (click here for building map)
DescriptionParticipants will use the information from the data retreat in the morning and the NeMTSS Essential Elements to identify priorities and needs for the coming (2022-2023) and refine action plans addressing those identified needs and priorities.

PrerequisitesPrerequisites: Participants must have evidence of MTSS Systems development through NeMTSS System Training Days 1,2 & 3 or ongoing MTSS System Development with an MTSS facilitator(s).
AudienceAudience: District MTSS Leadership Teams (including an administrator and representatives of general education and special education)
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: Laptops NeMTSS Framework Implementation Workbook Data summaries from the morning workshop
AQuESTT Tenet - Positive Partnerships Relationships & Success  AQuESTT Tenet - Educational Opportunities & Access  AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness  AQuESTT Tenet - Student Achievement & Growth