ODIE: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopGoogle Docs in the Classroom (Inactive)
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - NIS
Default ContactDefault ContactGraci Gillming
Default LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Room C - North Wing  (click here for building map)

Google Docs Galore! It's not just a simple word processor anymore. Google Docs is more sophisticated and rivals popular desktop publishing apps for writing papers, charting data or creating dynamic presentations.   And to manage them all, there's Google Drive. Not only will we explore each tool, we'll see the advantages of using Google Docs for collaboration with students as well as teachers and administrators, along with tips for grading papers without printing them to mark them with ink. Increase your productivity and save time for yourself and your students.

Bring your laptop or Chromebook.

Note: iPads are welcome but there are some limitations in using the complete suite of apps. Currently, one can only create word processing docs and spreadsheets.  Forms and presentations can only be viewed, not created. So bring your laptop along with your iPad.


PrerequisitesPrerequisites: None
AudienceAudience: Educators
Materials RequiredMaterials Required: laptop or chromebook