ODIE: Workshops: Workshop Section Details
REGISTRATION POLICY: Registration deadline is one week prior to workshop unless otherwise noted. Cancellations not received 2 business days in advance and no-shows will be billed.

Workshop SectionWorkshop SectionCreating Student-Centered Classrooms ~ June 24, 2019 (5 days) (Inactive)
RegistrationRegistrationYou can't register for this workshop section because it occurs in the past.
Check to see if there are any other sections of this workshop coming up.
DepartmentDepartmentESU 10 - T&L
Primary ContactPrimary ContactCrystal Hurt
Facilitator(s)Peg Coover, Jason Everett

“Plan for change, not perfection.”

As technology and the demand for new skills continue to evolve, so must our teaching practices. Student-centered classrooms are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations, and cultural backgrounds of individual students while providing them with future-ready skills necessary to succeed in college and careers.
To accomplish this goal, schools, teachers, and other educational specialists utilize a wide variety of approaches including:
     *Innovative blended learning strategies utilizing station rotation, flex, and flipped models
     *Innovative blended learning strategies designed to increase student engagement and ownership
     *Technology that enhances students’ ability to choose their learning path
     *Technology that can help teachers track student progress, differentiate, and provide targeted instruction
     *Choice that increases motivation and creates learners who take ownership of their goals and progress
     *Choice and opportunities for creation that allow students to apply knowledge in meaningful ways

There are several ways to grow your capacity through this week long “student-centered” opportunity:
     *Attend all 5 days and create necessary coursework to receive 3 hours of college credit via      Hasting College (register here) 
     *Attend all 5 days to grow your student-centered learning capacity (register here) 
     *Ala cart: Pick and choose which day(s) you would like to attend (register separately via ODIE)

See below for daily details:

Monday, June 24: A.J. Juliani: Student-Centered Classrooms for Today’s Student

A.J. Juliani is the Director of Learning and Innovation for a public school district and the author of books centered around student-agency, choice, inquiry, and engagement including Empower, Launch, and The PBL Playbook. He studies people, schools, companies, and organizations from around the world to analyze how they can learn in deeper and more powerful ways. He believes we need to be intentional about innovation in order to create a better future of learning.
A.J. will set the stage for creating student-centered classrooms via innovative practices, technology and choice. Hands-on and immersive, A.J. will provide participants with real world examples of what innovation can look like in the classroom and why it is essential for our next generation of learners.

Tuesday, June 25-Wednesday June 26: Innovative Practices: Blended Learning Bootcamp

ESU 10 believes that blended learning is a combination of differentiation, formative assessment, direct and guided instruction, digital resources, engagement, classroom management and the 4 C’s of 21st century learning.  All of these components ultimately enhance your instructional toolkit.

This two day Blended Learning Bootcamp will focus on the mindsets, framework, and blended learning best practices needed to shift from a traditional teacher-led classroom to a student-centered classroom. Participants will establish their WHY? for blended learning, engage in activities to reimagine classroom design, become familiar with blended models, collaboratively develop a unit plan, and explore how technology and formative assessment can be used to make differentiation simple and powerful.

Thursday, June 26: Technology: EdTech Breakouts

Break into the world of educational technology with a full day of sessions geared for K-12 learning environments.  Participants will be able to choose from multiple breakout sessions facilitated by ESU staff and local teacher leaders and will walk away with a full tool box to support their student-centered classroom. Tools and tips discovered on this day will include learning management systems, formative assessment tools, creation apps, and how to use the Google Suite of Apps to design blended and personalized learning opportunities.

Friday, June 28: Choice: Student-Centered Learning and Creation

At its core, student-centered is all about choice. Choice in the path, pace, and place of learning. This day will focus on creating opportunities that allow students to create or choose how they would like to learn as well as how they can utilize choice to show what they know. Examples include choice boards, playlists, flipped videos, and individualized learning plans to provide personalized pathways for students. Participants will walk away with components that can be embedded in their final unit plan.

Outside Work: 12 hours. All components due Monday, July 14 by 8:00 am.
37.5 contact hours and 12 hours outside of class for assignments

LocationESU 10 Kearney NE - Conference Rooms B & C - North Wing  (click here for building map)
StatusStatusThis section is currently open.
45 Registered
20 Minimum; 50 Maximum; 228 Lunch Count
Section Date(s)
DateStart TimeStop Time
June 24, 20198:30 AM 4:00 PM
June 25, 20198:30 AM 4:00 PM
June 26, 20198:30 AM 4:00 PM
June 27, 20198:30 AM 4:00 PM
June 28, 20198:30 AM 4:00 PM
Add to CalendarCalendarAdd to my calendar
AudienceAudience: K-12 Teachers, Administrators, and Technology Integrationists
Pricing Information
 Who     Registration Fee     Default Price 
 ESU 10 fee for Non Title IIA or Title IV Schools      $100.00  No 
 ESU 10 fee for Title IIA or Title IV Schools      $0.00  No 

Materials FeeMaterials Fee: $0.00
 Grant     Start Date     Stop Date 
  Title II-A 2018-2019       October 01, 2018      September 30, 2019 
  Title IV 2018-2019       October 01, 2018      September 30, 2019 

LunchYes, lunch is provided.
CMHsCMHs: 0.00
College CreditYes, this section can be taken for college credit.
AQuESTT Tenet - Educator Effectiveness  AQuESTT Tenet - Educational Opportunities & Access
College credit is available through Hastings College. Participants must attend all 5 days. There will be tuition costs of $600.00 ($200 per credit hour, subject to change) for 3 credit hours and the course number to be determined.  Payment is due the first day of class.  Forms will be filled out after the workshop on Monday. 

ESU 10 Title II-A School teachers will receive a total of  $500 contracted services pay for attending all 5 class sessions.

ESU 10 Title IV Consortium teachers will receive a total of $750 contracted services pay for attending all 5 classes.
